If you love collecting stamps, this online summer camp in philately is for you.
India Posts through its Anna Road Post office conducts a summer camp for children through online mode in May 2021. There are four batches to choose from.
This is for children in the age group of 8 to 14 years as on 31.3.2021. The fee is Rs. 250 per child.
Batches / sessions:
1. Batch 1 – 05.05.2021 – 07.05.2021 – Timing 10.30-12.30
2. Batch 2 – 11.05.2021 – 13.05.2021 – Timing 10.30-12.30
3. Batch 3 – 19.05.2021 – 21.05.2021 – Timing 10.30-12.30
4. Batch 4 – 26.05.2021 – 28.05.2021 – Timing 10.30-12.30
How to enroll:
- Make a cheque / Demand Draft in favour of ‘The Chief Postmaster, Anna Road HPO, Chennai 600002.’
- Fill in an application containing the names of the child and parent, mobile number, age, email id, residential and school addresses, class, Batch dates chosen and details of cheque/DD.
- Send the application along with the entry fee cheque / DD, through Speed Post or Registered post only, addressed to ‘The Chief Postmaster, Anna Road HPO, Chennai 600 002’.
- Last date for receipt of the applications at the post office is 20.04.2021
A Press Release says that the entry fee would be used for opening of Philately Deposit Account in the name of the participant, through which new release of commemorative stamps will be dispatched to the participants until it is exhausted. The account can be recharged further by the children in due course.
Since the summer camp will be online, the Philatelic materials required for the Camp will be sent to the participants by post.
Batches/Sessions will be allotted by this end and will be communicated through email along with the ‘Link for the webinar’ created for Summer Camp. The allotment for the session will depend on the motto ‘First Come First Serve only’. Modification for the session will not be encouraged, says the release.
On completion of Summer Camp, a Participation Certificate will be sent to the participants by post.
Contact Anna Road Head Post Office, Chennai at 044 2852 0926
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