As part of the monthly Sunday Kutcheri in the Park organised by Sundaram Finance, 14 year old M. Sathya Narayanan, a class X student of The Hindu Sr. Sec School, Triplicane will present a mikeless concert on Nov. 1, 2016 between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. at the Nageswara Rao Park in Mylapore.
Sathya Narayanan who is learning music from Guru Sheela Sunder, will be accompanied on the violin by Thirucherai Karthik (Guru V L Kumar) and on the mridangam by Ajeet Sridhar (Guru Chrompet Suresh).
No Mikes and speakers are used at the Kutcheri. The idea of the Sunday Kutcheri in the Park is to provide opportunities to young budding talent who may otherwise not have a platform to showcase their talent at this age and hence the Kutcheri is restricted to children aged below 15 years. The Kutcheri is organised on the first Sunday of every month with the young artistes presenting in front of an informal park audience amidst chirping birds and falling leaves. Close to 1000 children have presented Kutcheri to-date since the launch in February 2006. Sundaram Finance conducts audition to select the artistes. For audition, call: 94450 34557 or email:

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