Student Reporter Programme 2024

Join YOCee’s Student Reporter Programme for 2024-25: Apply Now! (Closed)

Are you a high school student with a passion for writing and reporting the news? YOCee’s Student Reporter Programme for the 2024-25 academic year is now open for applications!

  • Report on news and events from your school and local community.
  • Conduct interviews with inspiring individuals.
  • Have your articles published on YOCee’s website, showcasing your work under your own byline.

Selected reporters will gain invaluable skills in:

  • Writing and language
  • Communication and public relations
  • Reporting and interviewing
  • You’ll also attend periodic gatherings with fellow reporters, receiving guidance and feedback on your work

How to Apply

To be considered for this competitive programme (only 25 spots available), please follow these steps:

Submit a News Piece: Write a 150-word article about a recent observation in your neighbourhood.
Personal Statement: Include five lines about what interests you most about the programme.
Additional Information: Provide your class, school, residential address, parent’s name, and contact phone number. Ensure you include a declaration of parental consent.
Submit your application through the form below.

Programme Details

Duration: June 2024 to May 2025
Assignments: Student reporters are expected to submit at least two reports per month.
Training: After a briefing session, you’ll receive assignments, guidance on your stories, and feedback on your reports.
Meetings: Participate in occasional meet-ups and sessions with guest journalists.
Recognition: Earn a certificate upon successful completion of the programme, plus potential surprise goodies!
This is a complimentary programme from YOCee, so you won’t be charged any fee to participate.

Ready to enhance your journalism skills and make your voice heard?
Hurry! The last date to apply is June 10, 2024. (Applications closed)

Apply through this form – (Not accepting applications anymore for this year)

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