Annual Day at Bala Vidya Mandir

The 21st Annual Day of Bala Vidya Mandir was held on July 26, 2008. It was celebrated with music, dance and colour.
The chief guest for this special evening was Mr. T.N Seshan, the former election commissioner of India. He gave away citations to a few deserving members of the school faculty for their hard work and dedication towards the school. He then delivered a short but illuminating speech on the values which one should maintain in life; before inaugurating the event.

The theme of our annual day was ‘Unconditional Devotion’. The variousĀ  events such as the Hindi and Sanskrit plays were based on this theme.
With prayer and songs praising the Lord, the Orchestra began the evening’s proceedings. The idea of the Sanskrit play was ‘Uttama Bhakti’ or supreme devotion towards the Lord. The Sanskrit play was followed by the Tamil play, ‘Manuneedhi Chozhan’. Devotion to justice was its theme.

The students of the middle school enacted the English play titled ‘Crumbs for Birds’. It was about sharing and friendship. The Hindi play, Samarpan was about submitting to a higher power.
The Dance Drama enthralled the audience and told the story of the Ramayana. The senior students of the school presented an English play that told the story of a soldier’s devotion towards his country.
The curtains were brought down with the national anthem.

The students of Bala Vidya Mandir, who made the parents and teachers proud by displaying their talents on stage, will await another year to bring more colours to the annual day.

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