Changed look of Vidya Mandir school

Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School in Mylapore had  a  lot  to  tell  and  show-off, to  its  students, when  they  returned  from  their  holidays.

vidya mandirThe  new computerised SMART boards, that had  been  installed previously, in the  classrooms  of  the  4th to 8th standards, have  been extended now  for  the  KG, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd  standard  classrooms  too.

As suggested by  the  School Pupil  Leader, (SPL)  Adithya  Rangarajan  and  the  school  prefects, green  writing  boards, a lot  like  the  traditional blackboards, have  been  set  up  next  to the  SMART  boards. These can be used when there  is  no electricity, or  when the  SMART  boards  do not function for any reason.

The  basket-ball  court, has  been  freshly  painted, and have  new  hoops  too, much  to  the  delight  of  the  sport  fans  of  the  school.

In  addition  to  all  the clubs  that  the  school already has, ‘Robotics’  is  now  being  offered  as  an  optional  after  school  program  for  classes  5, 6 and 7 for  the  year  2011-2012.

The  students  have  lot  to  look  forward  to, and  an  interesting  year  ahead!

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