Book fairs expose people to different cultures, give them a wide knowledge of genres, and develop creativity. They connect people to their favorite authors and make people more interested in books. Here’s what a visitor to Chennai’s 47th book fair experiences.

This book fair takes place at Nandanam’s YMCA ground. Starting on Jan. 3 and ending on Jan. 21, 2024, Over 9 lakh people have visited this fair so far. The organisers of the fair believe in “Wisdom Global Service”. Containing over 900 stalls, this book fair covers almost every regional language of India. This fair had many interactive and experimental books that showcased different textures and sounds for babies and toddlers. Along with them were comics in different genres starting from mangas to fantasy and romantic and adventurous, fictional books for teens, while also having life-saving books about finance and business management for bachelors and adults. There are many books about philosophy and health care, among diverse topics.

Chennai’s Annual book fair is the second-largest book fair in India. The decorated majestic entrance was filled with crowds of people. It also has many stalls and shops selling charms, toys, chat food, and other items needed in the household. Want to visit? Hurry before January 21, 2024!