HI-Tech families celebrated Joy of Gift Giving Week) in the Panchayat Union Primary Schools through their CSR initiatives of SKI Hi Tech Carbon Ltd. The employees with their family were invited to this event. With their active participation in terms of time, resources, and skills to empower and engage children and spend valuable time among economically deprived and socially excluded children, the event was well received.
There are 650 children studying in the nearby 5 government schools in the neighbourhood. Everyone was welcome to give bunch of gifts to children like pen, pencils, notebooks and other learning materials. The employees gave valuable support and physical presence to entertain the children. They also engaged children in singing songs, telling stories and organising indoor games.
The Programmes were held on Oct. 7, 2014 in S.R.Kandigai Panchayat Union School and on Oct. 8, 2014 in Sri Lankan Refugees’ School, Gummidipoondi.