On the occasion of World Heritage day, Madras Inherited and YOCee are organising an online event for children.
‘Shipwreck: Heritage Edition’ aims to bring awareness about the historic buildings. Despite being recognised as structures of heritage value, a large number of historic buildings are being demolished. It is important to understand their importance and role in society and provide a voice for their safety. Through this competition, let’s begin to lend these voices and share our thoughts on why (or why not!) an old building must be saved.
The event will be held on April 18, 2021 at 10.30 a.m.
Format of the competition:
An introduction to the rules of the competition will be provided at the beginning.
A quick overview of the subject – heritage buildings in Chennai – will be shared with the participants.
Each participant will be assigned one heritage building in the city and given 2 minutes to speak for it.
Two winners will be chosen based on their ideas and presentation.
Who can register:
The competition is open to students 10-15 years of age.
The registration is free for all.
To register, click this link.

When YOCee’s student reporters get busy, the team at YOCee’s small office takes up the role of the reporters, does the rounds, writes copies and files reports. The team also posts useful info and ePapers produced in-house.