The Infinity Park in Santhome is not just another park. It is Chennai’s first inclusive park, which means that it is a pace for leisure for all including those with physical limitations. The park was inaugurated on Dec. 17, 2018.
The park has three zones. One for children of 0 to 8 years, one for kids above 8 years and another for adults. There are traditional table games and a herb garden, both are accessible by wheelchair users. The basketball court here is with hoops at a lower level to help people in wheelchairs can also play the game.
The project is a partnership between the Disability Rights Alliance and Kilikili, an NGO formed by parents of children with special needs and is designed by CityWorks. Kilkili is driven by volunteers and supported by professionals, that aims to create inclusive play spaces that will be accessible to all children, regardless of their ability and they have mooted the idea of the inclusive play area. The Greater Chennai Corporation and Chennai Smart City Limited implemented the idea.
The park houses modified swings to carry the wheelchairs, easily accessible merry-go-round, specially designed blocks for special children. Other remarkable features of the park are Braille signboards and wheelchair-friendly toilets. Brightly painted up, the place instantly attracts anyone who visits the park.
The park is situated in 4th Trust Link Road, adjacent to State Resource Centre for Inclusive Education and is open to all.

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