Sketch the city – Drawing Contest – Last Date : August 25, 2011
Open to students of class 4 to 10. (Juniors – Class 4 to 6; Seniors Class 7 to 10)
Take a day out. Sit in front or on the lawns of your favourite spot in Chennai.
It can be a park, a heritage building, monument or a temple tank.
Sketch the scene live. Do it with pencil, colours, crayons or paints.
Tell us a paragraph about the place and why you like it.
Post your drawing to
New no. 15, SriPadma
First Main Road, Karpagam Garden,
Adyar, Chennai – 20.
Entries should have :
Your name
Residential address
Contact phone number
A declaration that the drawing is by the contestant only.
Prizes for the best FIVE entries.
Entries not accompanied by the above and a paragraph about the drawing will not qualify for the contest.
Welcome to Chennai – Letter Writing Contest – Last date : August 25, 2011
Open to children of class 5 to 10. (Juniors – Class 5 to 7 ; Seniors – Class 8 to 10)
Write a letter inviting your friend to Chennai to visit places of interest and tell him / her why you recommend the places.
Letters to be written only on an Inland Letter. You can write in English or in Tamil.
Post the Inland letters to
New no. 15, SriPadma
First Main Road, Karpagam Garden,
Adyar, Chennai – 20.
Entries should have :
Your name
Residential address
Contact phone number
Prizes for the best FIVE entries.
Letters sent by courier will not qualify for the contest.

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