Exciting exhibition at the Hussain Memorial School

On the Saturday morning, the exhibition began at the Hussain Memorial school in Ambattur. Various departments of the school exhibited many models in their subjects.

The physics department consisted of 46 models, included a working windmill, spectrometers, automatic railway signals, and many more.
The Chemistry department exhibited the model process of preparation of soaps, removing stains and various other working models.

The language departments also participated enthusiastically. The Hindi and English departments   explained vocabulary functions in the structural forms.  And the social sector exhibited the land forms, climatic conditions, rivers, etc.
The Maths department quizzes everyone with their fabulous puzzles with circles, match sticks, matrices and the like.

The biology department too had many models. it consisted of the BP check ups, quiz, specimens, instruments, etc.

The commerce department also caught up with the spirit and showed good efforts by its students. They exhibited the working of a bank and the ways of advertising. They also showed the ATM with the working in structural form.

A mini planetarium attracted the visitors. They showed the solar system and the stars at the mini planetarium. Then its obviously the primary buds who captured all the hearts of the viewers with their fluent speech and explanation of their exhibits and models.

On the whole exhibition was very good with every one participating with full interest and energy.  The correspondent Mr. Brigadier and all the staff members encouraged the students to do their best.
The exhibition was held on Aug. 16 and 17 and the students of the neighbouring schools visited the exhibition.

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