A 20-year-old female student of medicine in Wuhan University in China, who returned to her home in Thrissur in Kerala has tested positive for the virus. The student is in isolation in Thrissur General Hospital and is monitored closely.
In the wake of an outbreak of an infection caused by Novel coronavirus (2019-NcoV) first detected in Wuhan in Hubei province of China, the Civil Aviation Ministry of India had on Jan. 21, 2020 advised seven airports including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai to screen passengers arriving from China.
The student who is now tested positive arrived at Thrissur travelling by air via Kolkata and Kochi on Jan. 23, 2020. She was not showing any symptoms and the local authorities however had advised home isolation for 28 days.
She developed flu-like symptoms on Jan 27, 2020 and her body fluids were collected and sent to the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, who confirmed her testing positive on Jan. 30, 2020.
An advisory issued by the Ministry of Health insists that persons who have travelled to China, with the last 14 days or had possible contact with a person affected by nCoV to stay in home isolation for 14 days after return.
Image source: sci-news.com

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