Children’s Day Special at Hansel & Gretel

Many special events are organised by Hansel & Gretel kids’ activity centre in T. Nagar on…

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Idea Winners

At the Idea Cellular ‘Kaho What’s your Idea’, a national level inter school skill test, participants…

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Young people at the Model UNs

Young people across the world feel that there are global issues now, more than ever, and…

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Children’s Day Contest at Peek-a-Boo Patterns

Dress up like our Chacha Nehru, A Pretty princess, Super man or Mickey Mouse, or even…

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A unique choir presentation by Kalaa Manjari

Kalaa Manjari an after school activity centrei n Alwarpet  will celebrate its first year celebrations with…

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Debating trend

With the huge increase in the starting up of debating societies, club, competitions coming up in…

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Follow your heart to learn art

“Attention art lovers” calls out Ms. Meenakshi Madan, an art enthusiast, who now takes up a…

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Seeing the unseen

The best way to spend the last day of holidays. Many thought this, after watching “Adrshya”…

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Gandhi Jayanthi-Students’ Convention

An open book exam on the Autobiography of Mahatama Gandhi was conducted by the Gandhi Peace…

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