Handling criticism

Rising Above Criticism and Nurturing Self-Confidence

In the contemporary world, we have to deal with a lot of criticism as everybody freely shares their opinion, especially on social media. I would say, no matter whether it is social media or outside social media “Right to an opinion does not make an opinion right.”

Opinions can be the other person’s feelings and sometimes they can be true and positive or sometimes true and bad and sometimes they can be untrue, very rude and negative. In some cases, the difference of opinions can lead to a discussion and bring people closer together on a better and shared understanding so not everything is completely good or completely bad.

The world will always comment and criticise, it is upon you to consider whether they are wrong or right. For example, sometimes people might share about any bad quality of yours, but it is upon you to decide whether it is actually hurting people by putting yourself in their shoes and rectifying your error. However, sometimes it can be very negative. The worst you can do is comment back negatively for a negative comment. You yourself should be polite when criticising and understand that sometimes your comment is not even required.

You have to remember that the noise and opinions of others shouldn’t drown your own inner voice. So firstly the most important thing is to be self-confident and have self-esteem as your value should not decrease based on somebody’s inability to see your worth. You should be confident that what you’re doing is right or wrong and if you’re confused because of somebody’s comment it’s okay just sit and think about it and sort it out and remember that someone else’s opinion doesn’t have to become your reality. If you’re strong on the inside you can’t let the outside voice shut you down so be courageous and ignore the haters, do your own thing and don’t try to waste too much time changing people’s opinions.

Finally, one thing to remember is that as much as you should avoid criticism and negative comments, you should avoid praise. As they say, “Don’t let criticism get to your heart and praise into your head.”

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