The best way to spend the last day of holidays. Many thought this, after watching “Adrshya”…
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Gandhi Jayanthi-Students’ Convention
An open book exam on the Autobiography of Mahatama Gandhi was conducted by the Gandhi Peace…
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Natural Instinct
YOCee and DIGI Sound Studio, Adyar jointly screened the educational documentary film ‘The Truth About Tigers’…
Continue ReadingHerbal planting by children with special needs
The children at Sri Lalitha Learning Centre were engrossed in the project of Green Health and…
Continue ReadingMadras through the eyes of children
What is Madras to the young Chennaiites? Though the children are used to referring to the…
Continue ReadingPraise for the brains
MTS Academy (Mylai Thiruvalluvar Tamil Sangam), in association with Nehru Yuva Kendra, Ministry of Youth Affairs…
Continue ReadingTake a day out with toys
Borrowing books from a library is just a common thing. But have you ever borrowed toys?…
Continue ReadingBicycle lanes in Chennai
Are you a student who loves to cycle down to your school but find the city…
Continue ReadingRenaming of Chennai Roads
About 50 roads in Chennai city named after Britishers and other Europeans will be renamed soon.…
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