For the second year, in continuation, we are producing Chennai Summer Camps Resource Guide as e-Book.
The information on various Summer Camps for children across the city is scattered across digital and print publications. We thought a compilation of all such information in one place would be helpful.
So, we came up with this e-Book, which is a humble attempt to put together the posters we receive and come across at YOCee.
Hope you find this e-book useful.
If you host a camp or if you know of a camp in your neighbourhood that is not listed, do mail us at
You could also join our Facebook group, Chennai Kids Directory at
Download PDF of this e-Book:

When YOCee’s student reporters get busy, the team at YOCee’s small office takes up the role of the reporters, does the rounds, writes copies and files reports. The team also posts useful info and ePapers produced in-house.