summer by the sea

The summer that was and my summer now

During the pandemic, our routines and everyday lives have totally changed. There was a time when the streets were bustling with children frolicking and absorbed in their games, oblivious to the scorching heat.

My summers were spent about five kilometers within the Bay of Bengal, sailing in my little dinghy, enjoying the tranquility and heavenly beauty of Chennai. Often, I used to hang out with my neighborhood friends and play cricket or football. When I wasn’t doing any of these things, I could be found lost in the pages of a novel!

The summer was certainly a period of time I used to debug all academic-related thoughts out of my head.

But of course, being confined within our homes has certainly brought a plethora of changes in our lives. Our interests and habits changed, so did our passions.

During the summers of 2021, I hope to read more and write numerous poems. After one year of social exclusiveness, I really hope to meet my friends, go back to school, write exams, eat lunch in groups, have those silly banters, and return to being a normal student. I highly doubt that anyone would complain about how boring school is when the pandemic gets over.

I wish I could go back to surfing the waves and spending my summers in mother nature’s lap. During this summer, I also wish to participate in a variety of summer-school courses to hone and showcase my skills, in addition to making life-long connections.

Though as the saying goes, stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. Thus I aim to develop new habits and skills, find new interests and ultimately spend the summers doing something worthwhile, both for myself as well as the people around me.

Featured Photo by Vanessa Bumbeers on Unsplash 

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