
Colour of the ocean and berries

As I pull the curtains off, it’s the serene colour that puts me in a good…

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writing by hand

Writing by hand is crucial for brain development

Though many people switch to typing instead of writing by hand. I feel handwriting is beneficial…

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friends on a trip

Forging a Strong Bond through Diverse Personalities

As they say, “A strong friendship doesn’t need daily conversation and doesn’t always need togetherness. As…

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trust each other

A matter of trust

I believe that a person must earn trust. They may not have to go through a…

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AI in healthcare

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

On May 16, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) promulgated a warning on the risks of…

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Sun and Fun

My summer in pictures!

Cannes 2023 India Pavilion talk

India at Le Festival De Cannes 2023

One of the biggest and grandest annual global festivals has started, as you guessed, it is…

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child writing

Handwriting – becoming redundant?

As the digital age unfolds, everything has leapt. Since the pandemic, everything has gone online. In…

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Handwriting: does it matter?

The style of a person’s writing is handwriting. This allows each person to have a different…

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