Language is not just for communication, it is a beautiful thing used to express feelings and…
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Grandma’s days of reading, writing and social life
“The world before is not the world now” – is what I agree with while chatting…
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Nature, you give me incredible thoughts!
The environment brings all the natural things, Oh! What a peace it brings Nature has made…
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My school! My teachers!
Write a special Teachers’ Day note for your school and teachers. Many of you have not…
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Body Image. What does that mean?
We are all Unique. What is the point of everyone looking the exact same? It is…
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Yoga: the art of being
The 21st of June every year is celebrated as the international day of yoga and this…
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The Travel Industry and the Coronavirus outbreak
The coronavirus, otherwise known as the COVID-19, has appalled the entire world with its devastating impacts…
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Earth Day Report: Love for a Greener Earth
During this lockdown period, my family has been in one place for quite some time now.…
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Earth Day Report: Nizhal – Trees we treasure
It was in 2005 that a new movement began for the trees in Chennai. Nizhal –…
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