dream jet

I woke up to see myself on a private jet

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was I wasn’t in my house! In…

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summer by the sea

The summer that was and my summer now

During the pandemic, our routines and everyday lives have totally changed. There was a time when…

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Fun in an online classroom too

With over a year of the pandemic, all of us are now used to attending online…

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tree planting

My very own holiday

If I were to create any holiday, I would make a holiday that helps get rid…

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children group

Remember – there’s a reason you are at the table!

When it comes to working in a group, I am usually the last person to share…

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My advice to the younger me

This hypothetical question does seem absurd, but the more you ponder about its answer, the more…

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Oh, my flower friends!

Vast pink shoe with imprints Dandy! They think you’re a weed They do? Rose I…thank you.…

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Fun in classroom

Online classes are back-breaking as the teachers aren’t able to feel the ambiance of a classroom.…

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active indoors

Staying active indoors

Keeping ourselves physically active by doing exercises is quite a challenge. Owing to the lockdown and…

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