Here is something who is active and keeps busting the boredom during the period of lockdown,…
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A home where staying in is pleasant
Staying home is boring? Not in this colourful home. A glass painting by Akshath Tejj Sekar

Earth Day Report: Love for a Greener Earth
During this lockdown period, my family has been in one place for quite some time now.…
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Earth Day Report – My experience of watching a plant grow
My holidays were spent nurturing the growth of a plant, as a part of the school…
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Home, safe home!
When everyone across the world feels safe to be home, this silhouette of a home in…
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A Cloud’s Story – a poem
The veil that shrouds the sun, Floats boastfully through the sky, With nothing but its own…
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No lockdown for this train
The national lockdown has put all the passenger trains in the sheds. But the goods trains…
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Unlocking history online
Everybody is locked up and bored as you can’t play with your friends and can’t go…
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The Caged Bird – a poem
Hey man! Don’t you see? I am caged, please set me free! Oh stop flashing that…
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