The Tamil Nadu government on May 8, 2021, imposed a lockdown for two weeks across the…
Continue ReadingCategory: The Write Track Season 2
Lockdown extended in Tamil Nadu from May 10, 2021
The government of Tamil Nadu passed an order on May 8, 2021, to impose a two-week…
Continue ReadingThe Write Track Season 2 : eBook Issue 1
The first issue of The Write Track Season 2 eBook is here! To a call made…
Continue ReadingExercising at home? Why not?
Exercise. The word ignites varied kinds of responses from different people – some are enthusiastic, some…
Continue ReadingIf I were a talking flower …
We all imagine being something that may be real or non-living. At times, we say “I…
Continue ReadingBeing kind as a flower
If I was a flower and I could speak, I would enjoy life till my peak…
Continue ReadingWish for a languistic superpower
I wish I had the superpower of Omnilingualism; or being able to speak, understand and write…
Continue ReadingIt’s we; not me!
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with…
Continue ReadingAre gadgets replacing our grannies?
From my personal experience, gadgets do take away family time. Why?- Gadgets have become a necessity…
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